
国家自然科学基金(61402453); 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2013AA041301); 国家科技支撑计划(2013BAH05 F03, 2012BAH14B02)

Research on Software Misconfiguration Troubleshooting
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    Software configuration has been a big challenge due to the diversity, complexity, flexibility and customizability of a system. Configuration error has become a dominant cause leading to system failure and service outage. To improve software availability and reliability, many researchers and institutions have devoted their efforts on software misconfiguration troubleshooting. This paper first builds an analytical framework with establishment of 3 aspects and multiple perspectives, covering the method type, style and applicability. Based on this framework, the paper provides an overview of the state of art of misconfiguration troubleshooting along with analysis on the current leading methods of software misconfiguration troubleshooting. Finally, this paper summarizes the shortcomings in the current research and outlinesthe development prospects of future research. This paper aims to provide some available information and beneficial insight for future researches.

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