School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China;Library and Information Center, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
Department of Management Information System, China Mobile Communications Corporation, Beijing 100084, China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
Fund Project:
从运行日志挖掘业务流程模型的流程挖掘方法研究方兴未艾,然而,复杂多变的运行环境使流程日志也不可避免地呈现出多样性.传统的流程挖掘算法各有其适用对象,因此,如何挑选适合多样性流程日志的流程挖掘算法成为了一项挑战.提出一种适用于多样性环境的业务流程挖掘方法SoFi(survival of fittest integrator).该方法基于领域知识对日志进行分类,使用多种现有的挖掘算法对每一类子日志产生一组流程模型作为遗传算法的初始种群,借助遗传算法的优化能力,从中整合得到高质量的业务流程模型.针对模拟日志和某通信公司真实日志的实验结果表明:相对于任何单一的挖掘算法,SoFi产生的流程模型具有更高的综合质量,即重现度、精确度、通用性和简单性.
Mining business process models from running logs is in its ascendant. Inevitably, the ever changing operational environment makes these log records diverse. Considering every mining algorithm has its pros and cons, this paper focuses on the challenge to apply a best mining algorithm against diverse logs. A novel approach, SoFi (survival of fittest integrator), is proposed to mine business process models effectively in such a diverse environment. SoFi tackles the diversity issue by utilizing domain knowledge to classify the cases in a log and applying various mining algorithms on these categories to obtain comprehensive process models as candidates for optimization. A genetic algorithm (GA) based optimizer takes these candidates as initial population for purpose of both genetic quality as well as genetic diversity. Under the principle of survival of fittest, the GA optimizer can aggregate best process fragments with context into the final process model for the entire log. Experiments on synthetic data and real cases from a telecommunication firm demonstrate the effectiveness of SoFi and comprehensive quality of mined process models in terms of replay fitness, accuracy, generalization, and simplicity.