
国家自然科学基金(61073011, 61133004); 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2012AA010902)

Deterministic Replay for Parallel Programs in Multi-Core Processors
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    The deterministic replay for parallel programs in multi-core processor systems is important for the debugging and dissemination of parallel programs, however, due to the difficulty in tackling unsynchronized accessing of shared memory in multiprocessors, industrial-level deterministic replay for parallel programs have not emerged yet. This paper analyzes non-deterministic events in multi-core processor systems and summarizes metrics of deterministic replay schemes. After studying the research for deterministic multi-core processor replay in recent years, this paper introduces the proposed deterministic replay schemes for parallel programs in multi-core processor systems, investigates characteristics of software-pure and hardware-assisted deterministic replay schemes, analyzes current researches and gives the prospects of deterministic replay for parallel programs in multi-core processor systems.

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  • 最后修改日期:2013-02-26
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