
国家自然科学基金(61003024, 61170067, 61170071)

Research Progress on Test Case Evolution
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    由于功能增加、性能调优、错误修复等原因,软件常常动态演化.现有测试技术难以满足软件演化过程中变化的测试需求,因此需要系统的测试用例演化技术,以有效保障演化软件的质量.回顾测试用例演化技术的研究现状,分别对测试用例选择、测试用例修复和测试用例集扩增这3 部分内容进行了详细的比较和分析.最后提出测试用例演化技术领域存在的挑战和未来的研究方向.


    Software is always dynamically evolving due to additional functionalities, performance tuning, bug fixing, and others. The existing testing techniques are difficult to satisfy the changing testing requirements. Hence, systematic techniques are needed of test case evolution to ensure the quality of evolving software. This paper surveys the test case evolution and compares and analyzes these techniques in detail, including test case selection, test case repairing and test suite augmentation. Finally, the challenges and research directions of test case evolution are proposed.

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