

Mobility-Assisted Data Gathering Strategies in WSNs
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    利用移动数据收集器(mobile data collector,简称MDC)进行传感器网络中感知数据的收集,可以有效地减少传感器将数据发送到静止基站的传输跳数,节约网络的能量,延长网络寿命.此外,MDC通过循环收集传感器数据或承担数据转发的功能,避免节点间由于多跳传输引起的能量空洞(energy hole)以及节点失效造成的传输链路中断等问题.MDC的移动性也为无线传感器网络的研究带来新的挑战.研究基于移动协助数据收集的无线传感器网络结构,分类总结了近年来提出的一些典型的基于MDC的算法和协议,着重讨论了MDC在网络能量、延迟、路由和传输等方面带来的性能变化.最后,进行了各种算法的比较性总结,针对传感器网络中MDC的研究提出了亟待解决的问题,并展望了其未来的发展方向.


    Data gathering in wireless sensor networks by employing mobile data collectors (MDCs) can greatly reduce the relay hops when the sensors transmit data to static base station. This prolongs the lifetime of whole network for the energy saving at sensors. To avoid the energy holes incurred by multi-hop relaying among sensors, MDCs gather data from the sensors directly or some nodes buffered data of other sensors. Furthermore, MDCs relay data from sensors to the base station when there are no complete links between them due the fact that some sensors were invalid. However, new challenges have arose for the mobility of MDCs in data gathering, which is different from static wireless sensor networks. This paper focuses on the mobility-assisted data of gathering strategies in wireless sensor networks. Some current novel theories and algorithms for data gathering based on MDCs are reviewed, and the taxonomy is described. More specifically, several typical algorithms and protocols are discussed in detail. In the end, advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms are summarized. The open research issues in this field are also pointed out.

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  • 收稿日期:2011-10-19
  • 最后修改日期:2012-09-29
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-02-02
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