
国家自然科学基金(61073172); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(200800030034); 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)(2009CB320501)

Scalability of Internet Inter-Domain Routing
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    互联网域间路由可扩展性问题是下一代互联网体系结构设计必须首先解决的关键问题之一.通过引入路由信息熵的概念,深入阐述Internet 路由可扩展性问题的内在本质,并基于这一理论模型,分别从3 个方面归纳解决路由可扩展性问题的3 种可行思路.重点讨论了这3 种思路应用于互联网路由系统的出发点和局限性.并就典型的具体提案从体系结构的角度进行了分析评价.最后总结路由可扩展性问题的挑战性,并展望了未来可扩展路由的研究发展方向.


    The problem of the scalability of inter-domain routing is of the main issues in the design of Next Generation Internet (NGI). This paper addresses the intrinsic essences of the problems created by the scalability of Internet routing by introducing the entropy routing information concept. Based on the theoretical model of entropy in routing information, potential solutions to the routing scalability problems are discussed, which focus on three different aspects with their respective benefits and limitations and their architectural evaluations on typical proposals. In the end, a conclusion on the challenges of the Internet routing scalability problem is drawn, and the direction of further research on this problem is explored.

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