
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.90718026, 60928004 (国家自然科学基金)

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    为类C小语言PointerC设计的指针逻辑是Hoare逻辑的一种扩展,可用来对指针程序进行精确的指针分析,以支持指针相等关系确定的程序的安全性验证.通过增加相等关系不确定的指针类型访问路径集合,可扩展这种指针逻辑,使得扩展后的指针逻辑可以应用于有向图等指针相等关系不确定的抽象数据结构上的指针程序性质 证明.


    A pointer logic is designed for a C-like programming language PointerC. The pointer logic is an extension of Hoare logic, and it uses the idea of precise alias analysis in pointer program verification to support safety verification of programs in which equality of pointers is well-regulated. This paper presents an extension to the pointer logic by introducing a set of uncertain-equality pointer access path sets, so as to reason in the extended pointer logic about properties of programs which manipulate data structures like directed graph in which equality of pointers is uncertain.

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    附中文参考文献: [3] 陈意云,华保健,葛琳,王志芳.一种用于指针程序安全性证明的指针逻辑.计算机学报,2008,31(3):372-380.
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  • 收稿日期:2009-06-14
  • 最后修改日期:2009-12-07
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