
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.60970019, 60773212 (国家自然科学基金); the Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.2009CDA132 (湖北省自然科学基金)

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    综述了多跳无线网络MIMO(multiple-input multiple-output)技术的研究进展,分析了MIMO技术的引入对多跳无线网络各层及整体设计的影响.以跨层协议设计为重点,详细介绍了当前典型的基于MIMO的多跳无线网络协议算法的核心机制,并比较分析了这些算法的特点和性能差异与存在的缺陷.最后,结合本领域内的研究现状,指出了基于MIMO的多跳无线网络走向实际工程应用环境所亟待解决的关键问题,指出了基于MIMO技术设计自适应调整、高性能多跳无线网络跨层模型及协议的重要性.


    After surveying the research of MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) multi-hop wireless networks, this paper analyzes the MIMO mechanisms for multi-hop wireless networks and discusses the effect of MIMO upon separate network layer and the whole design of multi-hop wireless networks. Focusing on cross-layer design, it expounds the fundamental mechanism of existing representative protocols and algorithms for MIMO-based multi-hop wireless networks, and compares and analyzes their characteristics, performance as well as deficiencies. Finally, by pointing out current research development, it summarizes the restrictions to the practical applications of MIMO-based multi-hop wireless networks, and proposes the importance of designing an adaptive and high performance cross-layer model which based on MIMO technology for multi-hop wireless networks.

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    发 布

李方敏,马小林,方艺霖,吴鹏. MIMO多跳无线网络.软件学报,2010,21(4):732-749

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