Monte Carlo方法在扩散光学成像仿真中的应用

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.30672690, 30600151, 90209008, 60532050, 60621001, 30873462 (国家自然科学基金); the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No.2006CB705700 (国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)); the Program for Cheung Kong Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University of China under Grant No.IRT0645 (长江学者和创新团队发展计划); the CAS Hundred Talents Program (中国科学院百人计划); the CAS Scientific Research Equipment Develop Program under Grant Nos.YZ0642, YZ200766 (中国科学院科研装备研制项目); the Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese Young Scholars under Grant No.30528027 (海外青年学者合作研究基金); the Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.4071003 (北京市自然科学基金)

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    综述了描述前向问题的各种模型,包括解析解方法、数值方法和统计方法.特别地,就生物自发光多谱段光源的实例介绍了Monte Carlo方法.在光学成像领域,针对不同的成像模态、对成像质量的要求以及所需要的信息,MC方法有3种主要形式:连续波、时域和频域.不仅揭示了每种形式的基本原理,同时也相应地介绍了其在本领域的典型应用及软件.通过这些应用可以看出,MC方法对于扩散光学成像,特别是最近几年的在体无创实时成像的发展发挥着重要作用.


    This paper reviews the models of the forward problem, which are analytic solution, numerical solution and the statistic solution. Especially, a case of the Monte Carlo (MC) method when a bioluminescence source in multi-spectral mode is embedded in the tissue is introduced. In the field of optical imaging, according to different imaging modalities, the demand for imaging quality and the extracted information, there are three major categories: continuous waves, time-domain, and frequency-domain. Here not only the fundamental principles for each category are presented, but some typical applications and softwares using MC method are also particularly introduced. On the basis of these applications, it is believed that the MC method plays an indispensable role in the development of diffuse optical imaging, especially in vivo, no-invasive imaging in recent years.

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    发 布

刘凯,田捷,杨薇,秦承虎,徐敏,刘丹. Monte Carlo方法在扩散光学成像仿真中的应用.软件学报,2009,20(5):1216-1225

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  • 收稿日期:2008-01-21
  • 最后修改日期:2008-12-15
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