Supported by the National Research Project Foundation of China under Grant No.513150601 (国家部委项目)
软件错误注入测试(software fault injection testing,简称SFIT)技术经过近30年的发展,一直是软件测试领域最活跃的研究内容之一.作为一种非传统的测试技术,在提高软件质量、减少软件危害及改进软件开发过程等方面起着重要作用.对软件错误注入测试的研究现状及动态进行了调研,对该领域相关技术进行了归类及介绍,并对当前较为有效的测试框架和原型工具进行了总结,同时介绍了正在研发的基于SFIT技术的构件安全性测试系统CSTS.在认真分析现有技术的基础上,总结了当前软件错误注入测试存在的问
The software fault injection testing (SFIT) technique has been developed for thirty years. It is one of the most active parts in software testing research. As a non-traditional testing technique, it plays a very important role in enhancing software quality, eliminating software failures and improving the process of software development. A detailed review of the research on SFIT is presented based on the survey and classification of the current SFIT techniques. Then, some important testing frameworks and tools that are effective at present are also discussed. Meanwhile, a brief description of the testing system CSTS (Component Security Testing System) is provided as well. Based on the precise investigation on SFIT, the issues and challenges of SFIT are pointed out and the future development trend for SFIT is proposed.