针对二维矩形条带装箱问题提出了一种启发式布局算法,即底部左齐择优匹配算法(lowest-level left align best fit,简称LLABF). LLABF算法遵循最佳匹配优先原则,该原则综合考虑完全匹配优先、宽度匹配优先、高度匹配优先、组合宽度匹配优先及可装入优先等启发式规则.与BL(bottom-left),IBL(improved-bottom-left)与BLF(bottom-left-fill)等启发算法不同的是,LLABF能够在矩形装入过程中自动选择与可装区域匹配的下一个待装矩形
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In this paper, a heuristic placement algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem, lowest-level left align best fit (LLABF) algorithm, is presented. The LLABF algorithm is based on the best-fit priority principle with overall consideration of several heuristic rules, such as full-fit first rule, width-fit first rule, height-fit first rule, joint-width-fit first rule and placeable first rule. Unlike the bottom-left (BL), the improved-bottom-left (IBL) and the bottom-left-fill (BLF) heuristic placement algorithms, LLABF algorithm dynamically selects the best-fit rectangle for packing. The computation result shows that 2DR-SPP can be solved more effectively by combining the LLABF algorithm with the genetic algorithm (GA).