Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.60473057, 90604007 (国家自然科学基金)
抽象解释(abstract interpretation)理论是Cousot.P和Cousot.R于1977年提出的程序静态分析时构造和逼近(approxiamation)程序不动点语义的理论.描述了程序语义基于Galois连接的抽象解释理论框架,讨论了基于抽象解释理论的程序变换、程序安全性验证和活性性质验证这3种典型的应用,并指出了基于抽象解释理论的程序验证的主要研究方向.
The abstract interpretation theory was proposed by P. Cousot and R. Cousot in 1977, and is widely used in the program’s static analysis domain to construct and approximate the program’s fixpoint semantics. This paper describes the abstract interpretation framework of the program semantics based on the Galois connection, and then discusses three typical applications of the abstract interpretation theory: The program transformation, the program verification techniques about the safety property and the program verification techniques about the liveness property. Finally, it points out the main directions of the program verification techniques based on the abstract interpretation theory.