Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.60373103, 60433010 (国家自然科学基金); the Defence Pre-Research Project under Grant No.51315050105 (装备预先研究项目)
An Extended Deterministic Finite Automata Based Method for the Verification of Composite Web Services
To simplify and automate the verification of composite Web services,a method based on extended deterministic finite automata(EDFA) is presented.EDFA can describe Web services in an accurate way:the nodes represent states maintained by a service during the interactions between the service and its clients;the state transitions represent message exchanges between the service and its clients.Therefore,the automaton depicts the temporal sequences of messages,i.e.the behavior of the service.With the EDFA-based method for the verification of composite Web services,whether the capabilities of a service meet system requirements and whether there exist logic errors in the interactions between a service and its clients can be verified.Compared with other methods,this method is more suitable for the verification of composite Web services in an open environment.
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