
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.60373103, 60433010 (国家自然科学基金); the Defence Pre-Research Project under Grant No.51315050105 (装备预先研究项目)

An Extended Deterministic Finite Automata Based Method for the Verification of Composite Web Services
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    为简化并自动化组合Web服务验证,提出一种基于扩展有限自动机(extended deterministic finite automata,简称EDFA)验证组合Web服务的方法.使用EDFA可以准确地描述Web服务:EDFA的状态表达Web服务在与用户交互的过程中维护的状态;EDFA的状态转移及其标注描述Web服务与用户间的消息交换.EDFA给出Web服务交互过程的所有消息交换序列,刻画出Web服务的动态行为.使用基于EDFA的组合Web服务验证方法不但可以验证组合Web服务是否满足系统需求,还可以验证组合Web服务运行过程是否有逻辑错误.与其他方法相比,该方法更适于验证开放式环境下的组合Web服务.


    To simplify and automate the verification of composite Web services,a method based on extended deterministic finite automata(EDFA) is presented.EDFA can describe Web services in an accurate way:the nodes represent states maintained by a service during the interactions between the service and its clients;the state transitions represent message exchanges between the service and its clients.Therefore,the automaton depicts the temporal sequences of messages,i.e.the behavior of the service.With the EDFA-based method for the verification of composite Web services,whether the capabilities of a service meet system requirements and whether there exist logic errors in the interactions between a service and its clients can be verified.Compared with other methods,this method is more suitable for the verification of composite Web services in an open environment.

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  • 收稿日期:2007-06-10
  • 最后修改日期:2007-10-26
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