Abstract:Petri net synthesis can avoid the state exploration problem, which is of exponential complexity, by guaranteeing the correctness in the Petri net while incrementally expanding the net. To solve the resource-sharing problem, Jiao L, et al., investigate the transformation of merging a set of places of an asymmetric choice (AC) net satisfying siphon-trap-property (ST-property), and present the conditions for it to preserve liveness, boundedness and reversibility. The major motivation of this paper is to generalize the results of Jiao’s research and to extend the place-merging problem to subnet-sharing synthesis problem on AC nets or Petri nets beyond AC nets. The conditions of liveness preservation, boundedness preservation and reversibility preservation are presented. The conditions are also presented to show that the synthesis net of AC nets is an AC net. These results are useful for studying the static and dynamic properties of Petri synthesis nets, and for analyzing properties of large complex system.