基于语法的Web服务资源组织和管理策略不能满足信息网格中服务请求多样性和信息关联的需要.提出了一种基于本体的Web服务动态集成和重构策略(Web service dynamic integrating and constructing,简称WS-DIC).该策略以本体及其推理能力为核心,复用信息网格中已有服务,生成优化重构路径集合完成服务集成,满足请求多样性和信息关联的需要.通过对该策略的抽象和形式化描述,讨论了动态重构和集成规则,并设计了动态重构和集成算法.模拟实验表明,与传统的全文检索和数据库查询方式相比,该策略可以按照用户请求,通过服务重构集成,满足请求多样性并准确、全面地获取关联信息.
Web services management and organizing technologies based on syntax level can not meet the need of getting relevant information,responding to diversity service request and reusing Web services in information grid.In this paper,a Web service dynamic integrating and constructing(WS-DIC)strategy based on ontology for information grid is proposed.By the ontology and its reasoning capability,WS-DIC can reuse existing Web services to generate an optimized integrating or constructing paths set to meet the need of request diversity and information relevancy.By the abstraction and formalized model of WS-DIC,the regulation and arithmetic of dynamic integration and reconstruction is discussed.Experimenters indicate that WS-DIC can effectively get the optimized integrating or constructing path and get more advantage then full-text search and SQL query.