
(Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60403035 (国家自然科学基金)

Study of Minimum Interference Routing Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering
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    多协议标记交换(multiprotocol label switching,简称MPLS)技术运用显式的标记交换路径(label switching path,简称LSP),使得互联网上流量工程的部署变得简单和高效.因此,LSP选路算法成为MPLS流量工程中的核心和热点问题.深入剖析了LSP选路算法中的最小干扰选路算法(minimum interference routing algorithm,简称MIRA)的关键思想,综述了对MIRA的各种改进方案,并依据其实现方案将现有主要最小干扰选路算法分为4类:关键链路的重新定位类、利用流量特征信息类、增加准入控制类和解决多服务质量受限类.在分析每类算法核心思想的基础上,阐述了各类的典型算法,讨论了每种算法的优点和适用环境,剖析了其中存在的主要问题,并对它们进行了综合对比.最后指出了最小干扰选路算法进一步的研究方向.


    Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) enables the deployment of Internet traffic engineering to be sim- ple and efficient by using explicit routing of Label Switching Path (LSP). Hence, the LSP routing algorithmbecomes the core and hot topic of traffic engineering. This paper analyzes the key ideas of Minimum InterferenceRouting Algorithm (MIRA) for LSP routing and then surveys the current improved schemes of MIRA. According totheir technical methods, they are classified as reconfirming critical links class, utilizing traffic profile informationclass, adding admission control class, and solving multiple Quality of Service constraints class. After the key idea is analyzed for each class, their typical algorithms are presented and their advantages, suitable environments and shortcomings with a detailed comprehensive comparison are discussed. The end of the paper points out the future research field for the min- imum interference routing problem.

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郑志梅,崔勇. MPLS流量工程最小干扰选路算法研究.软件学报,2006,17(4):814-821

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  • 收稿日期:2005-06-21
  • 最后修改日期:2005-10-08
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