Gamma(general abstract model for multiset manipulation)语言是一个可以避免人为序化的高层次并行程序设计工具.P.Frade t等人提出结构化Gamma以利于结构化应用数据以及表达特殊的控制约束和程序的自动分析. 在摒弃了基于“地址”的定义方式的基础上,给出结构化Gamma的更一般形式的语法、语义描 述,在两个层次上讨论结构重集(structured multiset)的类型,并指出,这种新模型保持了有 关程序的静态类型检测等理论成果.
The Gamma formalism is a high level parallel programming tool without artificial sequentiality. P. Fradet and D.Le Metayer pr oposed recently a model of structured Gamma which makes it easy for the programm er to structure the data and to specify particular control strategies. It also m akes the automatic analysis of programs easier. Without relying on the “address ” concept used by them, a more general form of the structured Gamma is proposed and its syntax and semantics are described in this paper. Types of structured m ultisets have been discussed at two levels. The author also shows that the new d efinition keeps the theoretic results, such as static type checking of programs untouched.