This paper presents the basic idea.notation and development process of an object—oriented anMysis and design method through the development of a data flow dia-gram editor,This method takes a responsibility—driven modelling approach to software development,emphasizing that software simulates the real world.It starts with problem —understanding to build a user model of the problem,then this model is evolved into an implementation model through an iterating five—stage—process during each phase of the software development process.The five stages include:dividing subjects,identifying classes,establishing relations,defining services and defining attributes.Based cn behav-ior analysis,the user problem is first divided into a set of subjects.each of which hosts a number of classes with distinguished responsibilities and collaborators The responsibili- ties then hlrther help define the services and attribules of each class and their inter—rela-dons.All these put together give software developers a clear layered model of the pro-posed system.