

SM2-based Adaptor Signature with Batch Proofs and Its Distributed Extension
  • TU Bin-Bin

    TU Bin-Bin

    School of Cyber Science and Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China;State Key Laboratory of Cryptology, Beijing 100878, China;Key Laboratory of Cryptologic Technology and Information Security of Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China
  • CHEN Yu

    CHEN Yu

    School of Cyber Science and Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China;State Key Laboratory of Cryptology, Beijing 100878, China;Key Laboratory of Cryptologic Technology and Information Security of Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China;Shandong Institute of Blockchain, Jinan 250001, China;Quan Cheng Laboratory, Jinan 250014, China
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    适配器签名, 又称无脚本脚本, 是解决区块链应用(如密码货币)中扩展性差、吞吐量低等问题的重要密码技术. 适配器签名可看作数字签名关于困难关系的扩展, 同时具有签名授权和证据提取两种功能, 在区块链应用中具有以下优点: (1) 降低链上成本; (2) 提高交易的可替代性; (3) 突破区块链脚本语言限制. SM2签名是我国自主设计的国家标准签名算法, 在各种重要信息系统中有着广泛应用. 基于SM2签名构造出高效的适配器签名方案, 并在随机谕言机模型下给出安全性证明. 所提方案结合SM2签名结构, 可避免在预签名阶段生成额外的零知识证明, 与现有ECDSA/SM2适配器签名相比更加高效, 其中, 预签名生成效率提升4倍, 预签名验证效率提升3倍. 随后, 基于SM2协同签名, 构造分布式SM2适配器签名, 可避免单点故障问题, 提升签名私钥安全. 最后, 在实际应用方面, 基于SM2适配器签名构造适用于一对多场景下安全高效的批量原子交换协议.


    Adaptor signature, also known as scriptless script, is an important cryptographic technique that can be used to solve the problems of poor scalability and low transaction throughput in blockchain applications such as cryptocurrency. An adaptor signature can be seen as an extension of a digital signature on hard relations, and it ties together the authorization with witness extraction and has many advantages in blockchain applications, such as (1) low on-chain cost; (2) improved fungibility of transactions; (3) advanced functionality beyond the limitation of the blockchain’s scripting language. SM2 signature is the Chinese national standard signature algorithm and has been widely used in various important information systems. This work designs an efficient SM2-based adaptor signature with batch proofs and gives security proofs under the random oracle model. The scheme avoids to generate zero-knowledge proofs used in the pre-signing phase based on the structure of SM2 signature and is more efficient than existing ECDSA/SM2-based adaptor signature. Specifically, the efficiency of pre-signature generation is increased by 4 times, and the efficiency of pre-signature verification is increased by 3 times. Then, based on distributed SM2 signature, this work develops distributed SM2-based adaptor signature which can avoid the single point of failure and improve the security of signing key. Finally, in real-world applications, this work gives a secure and efficient batch atomic swap protocol for one-to-many scenarios based on SM2-based adaptor signature.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-07-20
  • 最后修改日期:2022-09-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-08-09
  • 出版日期: 2024-05-06
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