





Survey on Reverse-engineering Artificial Intelligence
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    In the era of big data, artificial intelligence, especially the representative technologies of machine learning and deep learning, has made great progress in recent years. As artificial intelligence has been widely used to various real-world applications, the security and privacy problems of artificial intelligence is gradually exposed, and has attracted increasing attention in academic and industry communities. Researchers have proposed many works focusing on solving the security and privacy issues of machine learning from the perspective of attack and defense. However, current methods on the security issue of machine learning lack of the complete theory framework and system framework. This survey summarizes and analyzes the reverse recovery of training data and model structure, the defect of the model, and gives the formal definition and classification system of reverse-engineering artificial intelligence. In the meantime, this survey summarizes the progress of machine learning security on the basis of reverse-engineering artificial intelligence, where the security of machine learning can be taken as an application. Finally, the current challenges and future research directions of reverse-engineering artificial intelligence are discussed, while building the theory framework of reverse-engineering artificial intelligence can promote the develop of artificial intelligence in a healthy way.

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