




国防基础科研计划(JCKY2016206B001, JCKY2014206C002); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(NS2021066)

Scenario Model Based Testing of Integrated DDS-based Naval Mission Systems
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    以数据分发服务(data-distribution service, DDS)为基础架构的新型一体化舰船任务系统在研发模式、结构和应用方面具有特殊特点, 使得其测试相当具有挑战. 基于模型的测试(model-based testing, MBT)是工业系统测试的一种有效方法. 然而, 对于类舰船任务系统, 由于其自身的高度复杂性和协同开发方式, 传统需要建立完整模型以表达系统内部行为的MBT技术极难应用. 为此, 提出了一种基于场景模型的类舰船任务系统MBT方法. 方法从外部角度构建模型来表达DDS架构系统中的交互场景. 模型使用扩展正则表达式来建模交互序列, 使用基本数据元素限制、约束公式和计算函数来建模交互数据, 能够在保留抽象性的同时便捷并相对完整地表达交互过程. 基于场景模型, 进一步提出算法生成直接可执行的测试用例. 在某真实舰船任务系统上的实验表明, 方法能够测试从一族舰船任务系统历史失效中总结出的21种常见风险场景, 对类舰船任务系统的DDS架构工业系统测试具有潜在应用价值.


    Modern integrated naval mission systems (NMS) built on data-distribution service (DDS) have special characteristics in development, structure, and application which, in combination, make their testing challenging. Model-based testing (MBT) is considered a promising technique for testing such systems. However, for NMS-like systems under test, due to their high complexity and cooperative ways of development, traditional MBT techniques requiring a complete model of the system internals are difficult to be used. This paper presents a scenario-based MBT approach for NMS-like systems. The approach builds scenario models to express the interaction scenarios in a DDS-based system from the external perspective. A scenario model uses an extended form of regular expression to model interaction sequences and uses basic data element restrictions (e.g., ranges and enumerations), constraints, and calculation functions to model interaction data. It can express the interaction processes in an abstract, convenient, and relatively comprehensive way. On the models, algorithms are proposed to generate directly executable test cases for testing. Experiments on a real NMS show that the approach can be used to test 21 kinds of common risky scenarios identified from historical failures reported during the development of a family of NMS. This indicates that the approach might be helpful for testing NMS-like DDS-based industrial systems.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-08-10
  • 最后修改日期:2021-10-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-01-28
  • 出版日期: 2022-05-06
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