





Image Style Transfering Based on StarGAN and Class Encoder
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    The image style transferring technology has been widely integrated into people’s life, and it is widely used in image artistry, cartoon, picture coloring, filter processing, and occlusion removal of the practical scenarios, so image style transfering has an important research significance and application value. StarGAN is a generative adversarial network framework for multi-domain image style transfering in recent years. StarGAN extracts features through simple down-sampling, and then generates images through up-sampling. Nevertheless, the background color information and detailed features of people’s faces in the generated images are quite different from those in the input images. In this study, by improving the network structure of StarGAN, after analyzing the existing problems of the StarGAN, a UE-StarGAN model for image style transfering is proposed by introducing U-Net and edge-promoting adversarial loss function. At the same time, the class encoder is introduced into the generator of UE-StarGAN, and a small sample image style transfering model is designed to realize the small sample image style transfer. The results of this experiment show that the model can extract more detailed features, have some advantages in the case of small sample size, and to a certain extent, the qualitative and quantitative analysis results of the images can be improved after the image style transfering, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed model.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-06-01
  • 最后修改日期:2021-07-16
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-10-26
  • 出版日期: 2022-04-06
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