





Survey of Dynamic Analysis Based Program Invariant Synthesis Techniques
  • WANG Bo

    WANG Bo

    Software Engineering Institute, Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies of Ministry of Education (Peking University), Beijing 100871, China
  • LU Si-Rui

    LU Si-Rui

    Software Engineering Institute, Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies of Ministry of Education (Peking University), Beijing 100871, China
  • JIANG Jia-Jun

    JIANG Jia-Jun

    Software Engineering Institute, Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies of Ministry of Education (Peking University), Beijing 100871, China
  • XIONG Ying-Fei

    XIONG Ying-Fei

    Software Engineering Institute, Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies of Ministry of Education (Peking University), Beijing 100871, China
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61922003, 61672045)

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    Program invariants are important properties of software, which play important roles in many software research fields, such as verification, debugging, and testing. Since the end of 20th century, research on dynamic analysis based program invariant synthesis has become a hot topic in related research areas and made remarkable progress. This paper collects 90 related papers to survey researches within this topic. To dynamically synthesize invariants is the key problem of this field. An abstract framework, “learner-oracle”, is proposed to model and subsume synthesis approaches. In general, the synthesis approaches can be classified into four types, i.e. pattern enumeration based approaches, numerical calculation based approaches, statistical learning based approaches, and symbolic execution based approaches. Furthermore, important applications are discussed of dynamic invariants in software engineering and software verification. Then, important subject programs and synthesis tools are briefly summarized. Finally, the remaining opportunities are presented and a conclusion is reached.

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