





Survey of Data Management Techniques Powered by Artificial Intelligence
Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFB1004401); National Natural Science Foundation of China (61772537, 61772536, 61702522, 61532021)

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    Traditional database systems and data management techniques are facing great challenge due to the 3V's in big data. The development of artificial intelligence provides a brand-new opportunity for database management systems with its power in learning, reasoning, and planning. Through learning from data distribution, query workload and query execution performance, the systems powered by artificial intelligence are able to forecast future workload, tune database configurations, partition data blocks, index on proper columns, estimate selectivity, optimize query plan and control query concurrency automatically. Also, some machine learning models can replace core components of a database such as index structures. This study introduces new research on database systems with artificial intelligence and state the existing problems and potential solutions and the future research directions are proposed as well.

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