
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.70271050(国家自然科学基金);the National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China under Grant No.2005AA775050(国家高技术研究发展计划(863));the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars,Ministry ofEducation of China and Nanjing Government国家教育部和南京市回国人员基金);the Scientific Research Foundation of Huawei and ZE Corporation of China(华为和中兴通讯基金)

Router Anomaly Traffic Detection Based on Modified-CUSUM Algorithms
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    针对核心路由器端口的输入、输出流量的变化,用改进的CUSUM(cumulative sum)算法对其统计特性进行实时监控,检测网络流量异常.基于路由器多端口的特点,提出了矩阵式的多统计量CUSUM算法(M-CUSUM),并提出了可调的参数设定体系,以提高准确性.M-CUSUM算法通过对输入、输出端口流量的绝对差与和之比进行统计,实时地监控其均值的偏移情况.通过对该算法在计算机中的模拟实现,验证了该算法对DOS/DDOS攻击具有较高的检测速度和精度,且系统开销小,已成功运行在软件路由器之上.


    The paper aims at the change of core routers ports’ ingress and egress traffic, employing a modified CUSUM (cumulative sum) algorithm to trace their statistics characteristic in real time and detect network flow abnormity. According to the characteristics of multi-ports in a router, the paper puts forward a matrix-based, multi-statistics modified CUSUM algorithm (M-CUSUM). M-CUSUM presents an adjustable parameter setup system to increase detecting accuracy. M-CUSUM algorithm can monitor changes of the equal value in real time through calculating the ratio between the subtracting and plus absolute value among ingress and egress ports traffic. Simulation experiments indicate that the algorithm has the higher detecting speed and accuracy to DOS/DDOS attacks, and spends less system resources. The algorithm has been used successfully in software routers.

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  • 收稿日期:2004-08-24
  • 最后修改日期:2005-01-07
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